Get in touch

Redbourn Primary School

This is the Schools Motto

1. Procedure for reporting absence/lateness

  • You must inform the school office by 9.15am if your child will be absent or late. You can report this either by phone on 01582 792341 or by email to
  • You must provide a valid reason. For example, a message of 'Not attending today' would be marked as an unauthorised absence, however a message of 'My child has a high temperature' would be recorded as illness.
  • You must phone/email EVERY DAY that your child is absent unless the reason is for sickness or diarrhoea, which automatically means that your child will need to remain off for 48hrs from the last episode.
  • Class doors open at 8.40am. Children must be in class by 8.55am when doors are shut and the register is taken. The Nursery opens at 8.40am (Morning session) and 12.30pm (Afternoon Session).
  • Any children who arrive after this time are required to report to the school office and be signed in, including their reason for lateness, by their parent or a person over the age of 16.
  • Registers close at 9.25am and any child who arrives after this time will be marked as an unauthorised absence unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  • If the school has not received any message regarding your child's absence, both contacts 1 & 2 will receive a text message from the school.
  • If parents are persistently late in bringing their children to school, this is brought to the attention of the Headteacher, who will contact the parents and work with them to bring about an improvement in punctuality. It is the responsibility of the class teacher and school secretary to ensure that the attendance register is correctly maintained and is accurate.
  • Should the attendance of any child be causing concern, the class teacher must alert the Headteacher, who will discuss it with the parent, and /or the School Attendance Improvement Officer (AIO) as appropriate.