Get in touch

Redbourn Primary School

This is the Schools Motto

Early Morning Club (Childcare for Years R - 6)

The School operates an Early Morning Club (EMC) which runs from 7.45am to 8.40am, five days a week in the Alps (formerly the Rainbow Room). The Club is available for all Redbourn Primary School children from Reception to Year 6 and places are limited to 20 children, per day.


The club provides activities including craft, table top games and outside play, but does not provide any food or drink. It is therefore expected that all children attending will have had breakfast before arriving. At 8.40am the children are taken to their classes for registration.


We are changing the way you must book a place to start in September 2024.  Bookings can be made in advance and also on a daily ad-hoc basis, via your Arbor Parent Portal. Places are allocated on a “first come, first served” basis.


The cost per child is £6 per session and this must be paid, in advance, when the booking is made. You must ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account to be able to book a place. No refunds will be made for sessions missed by the child for whatever reason.


To book a place for your child to start in September, please log on to your Arbor Parent Portal, then go to:


  • Activities
  • Clubs
  • Early Morning Club
  • Register for this club
  • Choose membership option ‘day’
  • Select the dates that you would like
  • Next
  • Select the time for each session (there is only one option)
  • Register for this club. If you do not have sufficient funds on your account, you will be unable to book a place.


If you wish to pay for EMC with childcare vouchers or tax-free childcare, you must let us know before you are able to book your places. Please email the school office, with the following information:


  • Full name of your child
  • Child’s class (from September)
  • Name of childcare voucher provider


Once we have registered your child, you will be able to make further booking without topping up your account first. We will then update your account when you make a payment using childcare vouchers or tax-free childcare. If your account falls into arrears by more than £30, we reserve the right to withdraw your child’s place. It is therefore recommended that you make an advance payment prior to booking.


If you have any further questions, please let us know.


