Equality and Accessibility
Our Equality Objectives
Our school Mission, Vision, Values and Aims ensures that we recognise and celebrate the differences that exist amongst us, that we treat all people fairly and that we strive to eliminate discrimination wherever it exists.
Below, you will find our whole school Equality and Accessibility Policy – equality applies to all members of the school community: pupils, staff, governors, parents, and community members. In order to further support pupils, raise standards and ensure inclusive teaching, we have set the following objectives which can be found within the policy:
Equality Objective 1
We will reduce the number of absences and improve punctuality for our disadvantaged pupils and those on our Special Educational Need register. We will work with parents to ensure a partnership that promotes strong attendance is established and maintained. Parents will understand the consequences of low attendance in terms of academic and social progress, through clear communication. They will be supported to improve low attendance by the Attendance Ambassador.
Equality Objective 2
We will further develop robust systems for monitoring pupil progress in order to support and broaden opportunities for vulnerable families. We want to close attainment gaps where possible whilst ensuring that all pupils are making progress from their individual starting points.
Equality Objective 3
To continue to ensure we are, as far as possible, meeting the accessibility needs of all users of the school.
Equality Objective 4
Ensure that any planned changes to the school environment incorporate accessibility and comply with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act.
Equality Objective 5
Continue to raise profile and knowledge of SEN support across the school through tailored training for staff and parents.
Equality Objective 6
To continue to promote an awareness and acceptance of difference through Values Education. Build upon mutual understanding and tolerance between different cultures, social backgrounds, races, religious groups and beliefs.