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Redbourn Primary School

This is the Schools Motto

Ofsted and Performance Data

We are very proud of the hard work and positive commitment of all our children. There is a lot to celebrate at our school, below you will find our most recent data from 2023/2024, currently unvalidated.


At the bottom of the page, you will find our October 2022 Ofsted report and links to the Ofsted website and Department for Education Performance Tables. We anticipate our next inspection will be in 2025.

Redbourn Primary School – Summer 2024

Unvalidated Data – Correct as of July 2024


Year 1 - Phonics Screening2024
Redbourn Primary School (2024)80%
Herts (2023)79%
National (2023)79%


Year 4 - Multiplication Tables CheckRedbourn Primary School 2024National 2023


Year 6 - Statutory Assessments
SubjectPercentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: Redbourn Primary School (2024)Percentage of pupils achieving at least the expected standard: National (2024)Average scaled score: Redbourn Primary School (2024)Average scaled score: National (2024)
English Reading81%74%105107
English grammar, punctuation and spelling71%72%105106
English Writing (teacher assessment)40%72%  
Combined: reading writing and maths at expected standard40%61%  
Combined: reading writing and maths at a higher standard0%8% (2023)  
Science (teacher assessment)67%81%  


