Get in touch

Redbourn Primary School

This is the Schools Motto

Recorder Club (Year 4 and 5)

This club will be run by Miss Toms and it will take place each Tuesday 3.20-4pm in the Library.  You do not have to have a recorder to join, but if you do already have your own, please bring it along. We hope that pupils who enjoyed their Year 3 weekly recorder lessons will continue to learn an instrument in Year 4 and 5, and in an musical ensemble.


Please email the School Office if you would like your child to take part and whether or not they have their own recorder. 


This will be a subsidised club, so the cost will be just £3 per lesson, so just £33 for the spring term. Please note that if your child decides to withdraw from the club, this is non-refundable. Anyone whose child would like to attend but needs help making the payment, please email to discuss your options, in confidence.
