Get in touch

Redbourn Primary School

This is the Schools Motto

Cost of Living Support

Please get in touch with us to let us know if you are struggling with your finances, as we may be able to sign post you to support, confidentially.


We know everyone is feeling the strain financially at the moment and we want to support those families in our school community who are impacted the most. If you’re facing financial difficulty, please do get in touch to let us know, as there may be things, we can suggest which will help. We want to do everything we can to help you and your child through this difficult time. You can do this quickly and in confidence, by emailing .


Let us know if your child is entitled to free school meals (FSM)


If your child is eligible for free school meals (FSM) you must ensure they are registered. This will allow your child/children to receive a free meal at school, and the school will get extra funding to support your child’s learning. To apply please go to to apply. This support for your child and meal benefit will last for at least the next six school years. Again, this is confidential and other children or their child themselves would not know they qualify.


    Other more local charities that are able to help and support are listed below. Please click on each one for more information.

    See what other support you can get from the Government

    Local authorities have lots of different schemes that you might be eligible for, including:

